Nugenix Testosterone Booster Review - Must Read This Before Buying (2024)

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About Nugenix

Increase your vitality with Nugenix T-boosting supplements. Offered in 16 varieties, the all-natural capsules use Testofen®, elevATP®, and a blend of other powerful plant extracts and minerals to bring about sexual wellness and increased performance in men.

Looking for something to give you a little lift? You may have found just the thing to do it. Before you load these T-raising products into your cart, take a peek at this Nugenix Testosterone Booster review.

We’ll answer some important questions about the brand and its product lineup, provide customer feedback, information on promotions, and more, to help you in your final decision.

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Overview of Nugenix

You may have seen baseball legend Frank Thomas, aka “The Big Hurt,” on a Nugenix ad telling you all the ways the T-boosting supplement has helped his personal life.

From bigger gains to better performance with the ladies, Thomas’ bulky frame depicts masculinity to the ‘T’. But aside from wanting to look like an athlete, most men want to feel like they did in their 20s.

As we age, we tend to slow down, including sexual desires and performance. Men can thank a natural decrease in testosterone levels for this sluggishness, and that is by no means their fault – it’s how the aging body works.

Nugenix was founded by Brandon Adco*ck, Paul Reichelt, and John Kim. A part of the Direct Digital group of brands — one of the fastest-growing private companies in the US market — the supplement has been helping men across North America renew their vitality since 2009.

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Before we get into the brand’s diverse product lineup, this Nugenix Testosterone Booster review will give you a rundown of their pros and cons:


  • 16 products to choose from
  • Natural, concentrated ingredients
  • Available in a wide variety of stores
  • Promos & bundle specials available
  • 14-day Nugenix Free Trial on offer
  • Ships to the US & Canada
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • May cause side effects
  • Can be expensive
  • Some customers report no results

Nugenix uses a blend of natural vitamins, minerals, and compounds within their diverse formulas.

The key to their effectiveness? Testofen®, a compound made from Fenuside (from the herb Fenugreek) – something you may have come across in certain recipes that call for the nutty herb or perhaps read in an ingredient list for curry powder.

Along with this potent compound, the brand uses a range of B Vitamins, zinc, and a handful of other natural ingredients that work together to boost men’s sexual vitality and passion for life.

Their 16 formulas all claim to have different effects, but in general, men can expect improved muscle mass, boosted energy, and an excited libido.

In the next section of this Nugenix Testosterone Booster review, we’ll take you through 6 of the brand’s most popular picks to elevate testosterone levels.

Nugenix Testosterone Booster Review

Testosterone, though inherently manly, is a temperamental thing. It’s affected by stress, weight, nutrition, illnesses, and a ton of other unavoidable components. High T-levels can be a thing of beauty.

Responsible for energy (active and sexual), mood, passion, and even confidence, those with lower levels may not feel like the man they used to be 10 or 20 years ago.

This Nugenix Testosterone Booster review will feature the brand’s best-selling T-raising supplements, refined to special areas like fitness, sex, and weight loss. We’ll start with the brand’s most popular product, Total-T.

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Nugenix Total-T Review

There are two different types of testosterone in the male body, fixed and free. Fixed T is like the devoted partner, attached to proteins with no time to spare. You can think of free T as the spontaneous party starter who’s down for whatever.

Total-T boosts both of these types because even though fixed T sounds boring, you need it too.

Ideal for getting them gains at the gym and building strength with your new abundance of energy, Total-T uses 8 powerful, no-fuss ingredients to deliver results. These include Testofen®, elevATP®, B6, B12, boron, and a handful of other purposeful picks.

Along with growth from the gym, you may notice an increase in sexual desire as well. Get a 1-month supply of Nugenix Total-T for $70, or head over to the offers page to save up to 47% when you bundle 3 or more.

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Nugenix Total-T Maxx Review

If Total-T was a car, it would be an Audi. Dependable, powerful, and efficient. Total-T Maxx would be a Maserati. It’s built for vigor and speed and gets you where you need to be ahead of schedule.

This amplified formula uses a high dose of vitamin D to assist in increasing T levels. It has a bucket full of other power-ups too, like Maca, Black Ginger, Ashwagandha, and Asian Ginseng, among many others.

Supporting bodily functions in a multitude of ways, these Nugenix ingredients bring about peak levels of performance in and out of the bedroom.

Feel the power with Nugenix Maxx for $170 per bottle.

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Nugenix GH Boost Review

Growth Hormone in the body is responsible for building muscle, increasing athletic performance, and reducing fat.

GH Boost is made with a bunch of fancy ingredients that all have scientific names like Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (known as GABA), Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine, and a generous heaping of L- amino acids that are known to stimulate GH levels.

GH Boost is available as a refreshing berry iced tea powder that is to be mixed into cold water. Enjoy a glass 20 minutes before you hit the gym to amplify your workout. The tea comes in stick packs so all you need to do is rip them open, stir with water, and enjoy.

Get a box of 30 Nugenix GH boost sticks for $80.

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Nugenix Ultimate Review

Despite common belief, free testosterone is not a free bundle of T that you can consume. It’s actually the T in your body that isn’t attached to proteins. Free T is more bioavailable and it’s what your body looks for when it needs a fresh supply.

Ultimate is all about supporting free testosterone levels so that they’re ready to go when your body comes a-knockin’.

Utilizing Testofen®, Epimedium Extract, stinging nettle extract, maca, boron, and 3 other t-boosters, this potent supplement reduces estrogen levels so your T levels can shine.

Increase muscle growth and passion with a 1 month supply (120 caps) of Nugenix Ultimate for $90.

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Nugenix Sexual Vitality Booster Review

Testosterone and sex go hand in hand. High T levels are usually to thank for a bountiful sex drive, and the Sexual Vitality Booster makes sure those levels are ready and rearing.

Combining Black Ginger with Maca, Asian Ginseng, and a spectrum of fruits and veggies, this nutritious supplement is tailored to improving not just your sexual health, but health as a whole.

Geared towards increased pleasure, higher sperm counts, and greater excitement, a one-month supply of Nugenix Sexual Vitality Booster is $40.

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Nugenix Thermo Review

Thermogenesis is the process of naturally burning off excess calories. It happens during resting phases, like when we sleep.

A higher rate of thermogenesis means that you can take off a few extra pounds without ever having to step foot in the gym — only, with all the increased energy, you may find that you’re more motivated to work out.

Compounds like Chromax®, Morosil®, and Capsimax® naturally heat up the body’s internal calorie-burning system, AKA the metabolism.

Encouraging a higher resting calorie consumption rate, Thermo uses a blend of nutrient-dense natural foods like coffee fruit, ginger, green tea, and guarana.

Heat things up with a one-month supply of Thermo for $60.

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Does Nugenix Help With Erectile Dysfunction?

A Nugenix Testosterone Booster review completed by Farrin Institute stated that the supplement does boost testosterone by way of increased energy, elevated fitness, and sexual performance.

The supplement increases blood flow and libido, meaning that it should help with erectile dysfunction.

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What Are The Side Effects Of Taking Nugenix?

Nugenix states on their website that they have not found any side effects for their testosterone boosting supplement. Resources outside of the brand’s website have a different opinion.

Apparently, the most common Nugenix side effects are an upset stomach, swollen ankles, insomnia, enlarged prostate, and blood clots. If you experience any of these conditions, stop taking Nugenix and consult your doctor right away.

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How Long Does It Take For Nugenix To Start Working?

It could take between 2-6 weeks for Nugenix to start working. It all depends on your physical and mental health.

To speed up the results of the supplement, follow a fitness plan, eat healthy, practice stress relief, and sleep for at least 8 hours a night.

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Who Is Nugenix For?

Nugenix is for adult men over 30 who may be struggling with excess weight, decreased testosterone, low libido, and sluggishness.

It uses a blend of natural ingredients to supercharge men’s immune, sexual, and nervous systems, resulting in higher energy, increased performance, better mood, and more gains in the gym.

It may prove effective for those with erectile dysfunction or who struggle with a general lack of interest in life.

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Comparison: Nugenix vs. Prime Male

Did you know that regardless of how men live (diet, activity level, stress), testosterone levels around the world are decreasing by 1% each year? That means that by simply doing nothing, boys are being born with less and less testosterone to work with throughout their lives.

In addition to that, after 30, testosterone levels in men drop by 1% every year. Add in a boatload of stress, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle, and you have yourself a recipe for low T.

Men around the world struggle with low T levels, and that is why there are quite a few brands on the market that have developed products to combat it. In this section of our Nugenix Testosterone Booster review, we’ll be taking a look at competitor, Prime Male.

From afar, it looks as if our featured brand and Prime Male are quite similar. They both use natural ingredients and promise similar effects, like increased energy and sexual performance, an uplift in mood, and higher muscle mass.

When zoning in on Prime Male, the brand claims that their Vitality Complex will boost your T levels by 42% in just 12 days. Nugenix doesn’t make those claims, in fact, we don’t see many stats at all on the product pages, just the full spectrum of ingredients inside each product.

And speaking of products, our featured brand has 16 formulas tailored to different areas, like Cellular Energy and Estrogen Regulation. Nugenix certainly has a wider product selection than Prime Male’s 2 products.

But a small product lineup doesn’t mean they’re not effective, so let’s take a look at the ingredients in both the Prime Maile Vitality Complex and Nugenix Total T.

  • Vitality Complex ($70) uses a combination of 12 nutrients, including boron, D Aspartic-acid, Ashwagandha, nettle root extract, and Asian red ginseng
  • Total T ($70) combines 8 powerful ingredients, including Testofen (fenugreek), elevATP (ancient peat extract and apple extract), along with boron, zinc, and a few B vitamins

The ingredients differ, but there are some key similarities, primarily the boron, important for reducing estrogen levels. The prices are the same for a 1-month supply and it looks like the results may be quite similar as well.

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Nugenix Reviews: What Do Customers Think?

If you’ve made it this far in the Nugenix Testosterone Booster review, then you know that the supplement is quite pricey. Of course, it’s easier to invest in our health when we know a product actually works. Cue the customer review section.

Here, we’ll fill you in on what buyers have had to say about the brand and their products on various sites far and wide across the web. You’ll find ratings as well as the highs and lows of Nugenix supplements as told by real users.

Heading to Amazon first, we found that the Nugenix Free Testosterone Booster has a 4/5 star rating awarded to it by 7,147 buyers. Take a peek at the snapshot below if you’re interested in how that rating was calculated:

  • 5 stars: 55%
  • 4 stars: 16%
  • 3 stars: 13%
  • 2 stars: 6%
  • 1 star: 9%

84% of customers experienced average to excellent results, so what did they like most about the product? Happy users say that they can definitely feel a difference when taking the supplement.

One Nugenix Testosterone Booster review reads, “I have noticed a big difference. You have to take this product at least for three weeks to notice a difference.” Good to know, as many may give up after the first week.

What about the 15% who rated the product at 1 or 2 stars? Most say that the product either didn’t work for them or that they experienced a negative effect:

honestly [the] only thing I feel is like [a] rush similar to caffeine, I don’t know if this has caffeine in it. But it makes me feel very paranoid and like my heart [is] pumping harder.”

Looking at the ingredients for the Free Testosterone Booster, it doesn’t appear that there is caffeine or anything that would cause paranoia, but we all react to ingredients in different ways.

Nugenix is owned by a company called Direct Digital, and that is the brand’s profile name on the Better Business Bureau. The company owns several other businesses, but despite managing complaints from numerous customer bases, it still managed to get an A+ score.

The rating reflects the size of the business, the number of complaints, how many they have resolved, and a few other factors. Direct Digital has been accredited on the BBB for 5 years, and in that time they have had only 114 complaints.

Now that we know the brand has a solid customer service team (based on resolved complaints and lack of issues for a large company), we’ll head to Wellness Verge to see if we can find some in-depth information on how Nugenix works.

The wellness website gives the Total T Booster 2.8/5 stars — not too good, but let’s find out why they rated it so low.

The Nugenix Testosterone Booster review analyzed each of the ingredients in the product as well as how they are related to increasing T levels.

Of the brand’s proprietary ingredient, Fenugreek, it read, “men taking 600 milligrams of fenugreek seed extract daily for 12 weeks had improvements in sexual function and testosterone compared to the placebo group,” so it looks like it’s proven to work.

Wellness Verge stated that in terms of,

  • Increase in energy levels, there is moderate evidence
  • Increase in T-levels, there is moderate evidence
  • Boosting libido, there is no evidence
  • Increasing muscle mass, there is no evidence

In the end, the Nugenix Testosterone Booster review concluded that the supplement may not be good for performance in the gym and bedroom, but it may boost energy and T levels.

Does Nugenix work? Well, who do you believe? People that report renewed sexual vitality or a study that says from a scientific standard, the supplement is not proven to give those effects?

This Nugenix Testosterone Booster review sides with evidence, and from the bounty of happy customers, it appears to us that the products do really work.

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Is Nugenix Worth It?

While many buyers write of increased performance, energy, and a new lease on life, results are typical for everyone who tries Nugenix. Bodies vary, needs differ, and not every product is a one-fit-for-all.

We feel like the brand is aware of this and that’s why they have a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee as well as a free 14-day trial.

Both of those policies tell us that they are confident in their products. The price may be hefty, but the brand offers bundles and other ways to help you save.

What came as a surprise is the wide spectrum of natural ingredients used in Nugenix. Expecting it to be filled with synthetic compounds, it was great to find that none are used in their formulas. With all of this in mind, we believe their T-boosting supplements are worth the buy.

Before moving on, this Nugenix Testosterone Booster review must mention that some users experience negative side effects when using the T-booster, so be sure to keep an eye out for swelling and chest pain.

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Nugenix Promotions & Discounts

Throughout this review, we kept an eye out for deals. Here’s what we discovered:

  • Free guide to ‘Top 10 Desk Exercises’ when you subscribe to the mailing list
  • Free 14-day Trial
  • Bundle Total T for $40/bottle (47% savings) – Buy more than 3 and get free shipping


Where to Buy Nugenix

To get access to the brand’s amazing deals, buy your Nugenix directly from You can also find the supplement in stores including:

  • The VitaminShoppe
  • GNC
  • CVS
  • Vitamin World
  • Lucky Vitamin
  • RiteAid
  • Walgreens
  • Walmart



Where is Nugenix made?

Nugenix is made in accordance with FDA standards in the brand’s manufacturing facility in Utah.

Is Nugenix safe?

The brand states there are no known side effects of taking Nugenix.

It is worth noting that testosterone boosters may result in heart attack, stroke, depression, liver toxicity, male infertility, and other health conditions. Consult with your doctor before taking Nugenix.

Is Nugenix vegan and cruelty-free?

Nugenix isn’t vegan as the capsules are made with gelatin. This Nugenix Testosterone Booster review was unable to find whether or not the brand tests their products on animals.

What is Nugenix’s Shipping Policy?

Nugenix ships within the US and Canada using USPS and Canada Post. Shipping usually takes about 1-5 business days. If you order on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, your order will ship out on Monday.

Shipping costs start at $5 and increase depending on how many products you order. Once your order ships, you’ll receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking link that you can use to follow your package’s progress.

What is Nugenix’s Return Policy?

If you need to return your Nugenix order for any reason at all, you can do so within 30 days of shipment, even if you used the entire bottle. To start a return, call customer service and let them know what’s up.

They’ll give you an RMA that you’ll need to include with your return package. Your refund will be processed once the company receives your return.

How to Contact Nugenix

If you need any other information that wasn’t included in this Nugenix Testosterone Booster review, use any of the following 2 contact methods to get in touch with the brand:

  1. Phone: 855-714-3234
  2. Email: [emailprotected]

Explore your options for health supplements and full-body wellness with these popular brands:

  • Flo Vitamins
  • Persona Nutrition
  • Hum Nutrition
  • Goli Gummies

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Nugenix Testosterone Booster Review - Must Read This Before Buying (2024)


What do I need to know before taking testosterone booster? ›

Dangerous side effects
  • Hypertension: Hypertension strains the heart. ...
  • Higher red blood cell count: Testosterone may cause your body to make too many red blood cells. ...
  • Enlarged prostate: The prostate could get enlarged while taking these boosters, which could make urination difficult and painful.

Is Nugenix good or bad for you? ›

While Nugenix Total T is generally considered safe for healthy adult men, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects and precautions before starting any new supplement regimen.

Is there a better product than Nugenix? ›

Both TestoPrime and Nugenix Total T are excellent testosterone boosters, but TestoPrime is a superior choice due to its comprehensive formulation of all-natural ingredients.

What is the number one best testosterone booster? ›

Summary of recommendations
  • Best overall: TestoPrime.
  • Runner-up: Testogen.
  • Best budget choice: Roman.
  • Best testosterone replacement therapy: Hone Health.
  • Best testosterone booster for ED: Testogen Drops.
  • Easiest to take: Testogen Drops.
  • Fastest potential results: Nugenix Ultimate.
Jan 16, 2024

What should I check before starting testosterone? ›

Most experts recommend screening for prostate cancer before starting testosterone replacement. Men with prostate cancer or elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) should probably avoid testosterone treatment. Sleep apnea. This condition can be worsened by testosterone replacement.

What not to take with testosterone boosters? ›

What may interact with this medication?
  • Certain medications for colds or congestion, like ephedrine, phenylephrine, or pseudoephedrine.
  • Certain medications that treat or prevent blood clots like warfarin.
  • Medications for diabetes.
  • Steroid medications like prednisone or cortisone.

Is Nugenix hard on your liver? ›

Nugenix Total-T Maxx is a testosterone booster that utilizes ashwagandha, Eurycoma longifolia, and ginseng—ingredients that, when combined with other medications or supplements, have been reported to precipitate liver injury. Liver injury in the setting of Nugenix use has been reported in the past.

Is Nugenix a FDA warning? ›

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns the public from purchasing and consuming the following unregistered food supplements: NUGENIX® Free Testosterone Booster Libido + Performance + Drive + Vitality Dietary Supplement (90 capsules)

Does testosterone make you harder? ›

Results: Animal and preliminary human studies suggest that testosterone may facilitate erection by acting as vasodilator of the penile arterioles and cavernous sinusoids. Following castration, most, but not all, men had partial or complete loss of erection.

Should a 60 year old man take testosterone? ›

Treating normal aging with testosterone therapy is not advisable. If you don't have a medical condition that's contributing to your decline in testosterone levels, your doctor might suggest natural ways to boost testosterone, such as losing weight and increasing muscle mass through resistance exercise.

Does vitamin D increase testosterone? ›

For most men, a higher vitamin D intake will probably not strongly influence the concentration of testosterone, but men with vitamin D deficiency might consider vitamin D supplements to boost the concentration of testosterone in the body and perhaps also fertility.

Do any testosterone boosters really work? ›

Testosterone boosters are over-the-counter supplements that claim to raise levels of the hormone in the body and reduce symptoms of low testosterone. However, there is not enough evidence that they are effective.

What is the number 1 way to increase testosterone? ›

A combination of aerobic (increase in heart rate) and resistance (weightlifting) training has been found to increase the production of testosterone. This also helps prevent the most common diseases that men are most likely to die from, heart disease and cancer.

What is the best supplement to take to increase testosterone? ›

Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E may be beneficial for testosterone. Vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc may also have testosterone-boosting effects. (Vitamin D is essentially a hormone. Zinc and magnesium are minerals).

How to boost testosterone after 50? ›

8 Proven Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally
  1. Exercise.
  2. Diet.
  3. Minimize stress.
  4. Get vitamin D.
  5. Consider supplements.
  6. Sleep.
  7. Avoid estrogen-like chemicals.
  8. Reduce alcohol.

What to expect when taking testosterone for the first time? ›

The first physical changes you will probably notice are that your skin will become a bit thicker and more oily. Your pores will become larger and there will be more oil production. You'll also notice that the odors of your sweat and urine will change and that you may sweat more overall.

Can beginners take testosterone booster? ›

Low testosterone may cause problems such as changes in muscle mass, libido, or fertility. Testosterone replacement therapy can help restore your testosterone levels, but it comes with some risks. Talk with your healthcare professional before starting a testosterone replacement routine.

Do testosterone boosters have side effects? ›

Healthcare professionals may recommend TRT to boost libido, treat erectile dysfunction, and improve strength, energy, and mood. However, TRT does have side effects — it can affect fertility and increase the risk of cardiovascular events in people with obesity or overweight.

Are testosterone boosters worth taking? ›

Men who want to improve their libido or build body mass may want to think twice before using testosterone-boosting supplements — also known as “T boosters” — as research shows these alternatives to traditional testosterone replacement therapy may not have ingredients to support their claims, according to Mary K.

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.