How to Use Edit Log in TallyPrime - All You Need to Know (2024)


Edit Log inTallyPrimeallows you to keep a trail of each activity performed in transactions and masters to help you have a better internal control over your Company data. Irrespective of the nature of changes made in the data – financial, functional, or internal, the Edit Log feature keeps a trail of the activities in Company data.

Edit Log enables:

  • Regular monitoring of the actions such as creation, alteration, and deletion in transactions and masters in your Company data.
  • Simplicity in auditing your account books.
  • A practice of making well-informed decisions in terms of working with Company data.

The Edit Log feature is introduced inTallyPrime Edit LogRelease 2.1 andTallyPrimeRelease 2.1.

Audit trail is intended to ensure that all the activities related to your transactions and masters are logged and available for viewing, according to MCA notification for businesses. Considering this aspect, the Edit Log feature in TallyPrime has been designed with the necessary controls in place, by default, to eliminate any scope of tampering the trail of your transactions.

Edit Log is a view-only (display) report that maintains track of all activities with your vouchers and masters, like creation, alteration, deletion and so on, without the need for any additional controls to restrict the access.The design principle applied in building the Edit Log feature makes the log of your data more reliable, secure, and completely tamper-proof, in compliance with the MCA requirements. This means, at any given point a user can ONLY view the Edit Log report to understand the trail of activities.

The underlying design principle of Edit Log enables you to view the logs and compare with its previous version, thereby providing more specific insights on the updates done to the vouchers and masters. Additionally, if a user attempts to open the Edit Log using a TallyPrime non-Edit Log version, a log gets created keeping a track of this activity. This helps auditors to check if any user had opened the Edit Log in any other non-Edit Log version of TallyPrime. Such inbuilt controls designed in TallyPrime makes the Edit Log data much more reliable and tamper-proof.

Moreover, if you would not want any user to view or create Edit Log as per your business need or policy, TallyPrime already has the robust and powerful Security feature at the company level to restrict creation or alteration of vouchers, as needed.

Tally products with Edit Log

With Release 2.1, we are giving you the flexibility to choose between the following products:

  • TallyPrime Edit Log:If your business needs to track all activities for a better internal control, or statutory requirements such asAudit Trail, mandated by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), India, then you will need this product. Edit Log cannot be disabled in this product.
  • TallyPrime: If you want to maintain trails for internal audit purposes or view logs intermittently, then you can leverage the Edit Log feature in your day-to-day business operations.
    By default,TallyPrimedoes not track activities in your transactions and masters.You can enable or disable Edit Log, when needed.

TallyPrime Edit LogandTallyPrimehave the same set of features to run your business, including Edit Log. However, onlyTallyPrime Edit Logmeets theAudit Trail compliance requirements.

If you want to continue usingTallyPrime, then you can upgrade to the latest release. To know how to do it, refer toUpdate aTallyPrimeRelease.

If you want to useTallyPrime Edit Log, then you can upgrade your existingTallyPrimeor Tally.ERP 9 application. Alternatively, you can install TallyPrime Edit Log in a separate folder.

You can useTallyPrime Edit Logwith either your existingTallyPrimelicense or a new license.

You can downloadTallyPrime Edit Logfrom theTally Solutions website.To know how to installTallyPrime Edit Log, refer to Install TallyPrime Edit Log.

If you are a new user, activate your license after installingTallyPrime. If you are upgrading from an earlier version ofTallyPrime, yourTallyPrime Edit Logwill start in licensed mode. To know more, refer toLicense Activation | Reactivation | Surrender | Update.

If you are usingTallyPrimeorTally.ERP 9, then you will need to migrate data toTallyPrime Edit Log.To know more, refer toMigrate Data to TallyPrime Edit Log.

It is also important to note that in TallyPrime with Edit Log, there will be a marginal increase in the size of data. This is because the product will keep a log of all the transactions, ledgers, stock items, and groups for each activity performed. Moreover, all the logs will have a complete copy of all the versions of the transaction or master, irrespective of the magnitude of the change made in the transaction or master.

Edit Log forTransactions and Masters

The facility of Edit Log to track all the activities such as creation, alteration, and deletion is provided for all transactions that you enter in TallyPrime, irrespective of the type of voucher. To know how to view Edit Log for transactions, refer totheView Edit Log for Transactionssection in theAccounting Entry in TallyPrimetopic.

Edit Log is provided for three masters: Ledgers, Stock Items, and Groups, as the activities such as creation, alteration, and deletion in these masters can change the financial reports in your Company data.Toknow more about the Edit Log for each master, referto:

  • View Edit Log for Ledgerssection in theLedgers in TallyPrimetopic.
  • View Edit Log for Stock Itemssection in theManage Your Stock Itemstopic.
  • View Edit Log for Groupssection in theGroups in TallyPrimetopic.

Edit Log report fortransactions and masters

The Edit Log report for transactions and masters provide you with an idea of the nature of activity that was performed by a particular user at a specific time. This helps you monitor the activities and have a better internal control over your Company data.

The Edit Log reports for transactions and masters are similar, and a sample report is shownbelow.

How to Use Edit Log in TallyPrime - All You Need to Know (2)

Activities in Edit Log report for transactions and masters

Nature of ActivityActivity Label in Edit Log
  1. Created: When you create a transaction or master, the activity is logged.
  2. Created due to Import: When you import transactions or masters to the Company data, the activity is logged.
  3. Created due to Sync: When you synchronise a transaction or a master for the first time from the client system to server system, the activity is logged.
  4. Created due to Migration: Migrating the data to a specific release leads to the creation of some masters to support the functionalities provided in that particular release.
  1. Altered: Apart from any direct alteration of transactions or masters, Edit Log will be created whenever you reaccept a voucher or master. Marking a master as Verified or removing the status Verified also creates Edit Log.
    Note: You may re-accept a voucher or master by pressingCtrl+A. However, the Activity may be displayed as Altered due to internal changes in application that occurred due to the activity of resaving.
  2. Altered due to Voucher Renumbering: Insertion or deletion of a voucher affects the voucher number of subsequent vouchers. This leads to the creation of Edit Log.
  3. Altered due to Import: Import of data leads to creation of Edit Log, if there are any differences in the imported transaction ormaster.
  4. Altered due to Split: Changes made to the masters such asOpening Balances, Bill-wise details, and others during Split will create Edit Log.
  5. Altered due to Sync: Edit Log is created if there are any changes between the transaction or master in the client system and serversystem.
  6. Altered due to Migration: Transactions and masters that are altered to support the new or improved functionalityprovided in that release will have Edit Log.
  1. Deleted: When you delete a master, the activity is logged.
  2. Deleted due to Sync: When a deleted master is synchronisedfrom the client system to server system, TallyPrime creates an Edit Log for the activity.
  1. Resaved (No changes): When a transaction or master is saved without making any changes, the activity is logged.
  2. Resaved due to Import (No changes): When a transaction or master gets resaved at the time of import without any changes, the activity gets logged.
  3. Resaved due to Sync (No changes): After synchronisation, if there is no change in the master in the server system as compared to the client system, then the activity is logged.
  4. Resaved due to Voucher Renumbering: When a Company data for which Voucher Type with method of voucher number asAutomatic (Manual Override) is migrated and it is changed toAutomaticorMulti-User Auto. Thereafter, if the voucher numbers do not change,then the vouchers get resaved.
Previous Record

You may make a lot of changes in a transaction or a master when Edit Log is disabled in the Company.

Previous Record refers to the consolidated data of the activities performed in TallyPrime when the Edit Log is disabled or in a migrated Company data where Edit Log was not enabled.

The activity calledPrevious Recordgets logged in transactions and masters when they are altered, resaved, deleted for the first time after:

  • Edit Log is enabled in TallyPrime Release 2.1 or later.
  • The Edit Log is enabled > disabled for sometime > and enabled again.
  • The data ismigrated from TallyPrime Release 2.1 or later with Edit Log disabled to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or later.
  • The data ismigrated from TallyPrime Release 2.0.1 or earlier or Tally.ERP 9 toTallyPrime Edit Log.
  • The data is moved from TallyPrime Release 2.0.1 or earlier or Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime and the user enables Edit Log.

Previous Record:

  • Provides you with the details of a transaction or master at the time Edit Log is enabled.
  • Does not contain Username and Date & Time, as Edit Log was disabled when the activity was performed


When you perform the first activity in the imported transaction or master, two activities will get logged.

  1. Previous Record
  2. The activity that you have performed: Altered, Deleted, or Resaved (No changes).
Activities with Status: Optional and Status: Cancelled

There can be activities such as creation, resaving, or alterationwith Status: Optional and Status: Cancelled.

The statuses are provided for such vouchers because these transactions do not affect your financial reports, until they are made regular.

If the Security Control is not enabled in your Company, then the activities will be logged with username as Unknown (Security not enabled).

Differences Between Edit Log Versions

When you drill down on a version in the Edit Log report for any transaction or master, you can view the differences between the selected version and the immediate previous version.

How to Use Edit Log in TallyPrime - All You Need to Know (3)

The values in the reports are organised based on the fields and their hierarchy.

The field values that have changes between the versions are marked in red, regardless of the users changing the values or internal changes.

Keys for specific actions in the report

+/Move between the next and previous versions


Scroll within the report

Shift+F5View the details of the changes


Explode a line

Configure the report

A few special cases of the diff report

Activity: Created

The version on the left-hand side is empty and no field value is shown in red.

How to Use Edit Log in TallyPrime - All You Need to Know (4)

Activity: Deleted

The version on the right-hand side is empty and no field value is shown in red.

How to Use Edit Log in TallyPrime - All You Need to Know (5)

Activity: Resaved (No changes)

How to Use Edit Log in TallyPrime - All You Need to Know (6)

Other cases in Differences Between Edit Log Versions report
User actionVoucher Type changed during alterationOrder of fields in the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report will change.
Change in order of ledgersOrder of ledgers in the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report will change.
Altered ledgers and then altered vouchersChanges due to ledger alteration will be shown in the report for the transaction in which the ledger is used. For example, if you change the address in a particular party ledger and then alter a transaction with the ledger, then the values affected due to ledger alteration will start appearing in the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report of the transaction.
Changed the number of decimal places for unitsField values get marked in red, even when the value remains the same. This happens because even if you set the number of decimal places to 2, TallyPrime internally calculates the values with 4 decimal places.
Configuration-based valuesOccurrence of disabled field in reportRegardless of enabling or disabling certain features, values related to such features will appear with appropriate default values. For example, even if you have not enabled GST or VAT, then also you will see fields related to GST or VAT. This happens because, irrespective of the status of the feature – enabled or disabled, transactions and masters have those values as a part of the data.
Use of TDLsDisplay of User-Defined FieldsIf there is any TDL that modifies the field labels and the TDL is not present when loading the report, then the values will be shown without labels.
Data behaviourValues that are only shown in the voucher but not part of the dataA few fields such as discount percentage and alternate units shown on the voucher for reference are not included in the report.
Nature of DataData presentation in the reportThe way you see data in the report may change from the way you see in the voucher or master screen. This happens because the way data stored in TallyPrime differs from the way it is presented.

Edit Log and Best Practices

When using TallyPrime with the Edit Log feature, you might be using third-party integrations or TDLs that allows import of third-party data into your company. In addition, depending on your day-to-day transactions, you might need to insert or delete vouchers in your company data.

If your Voucher Type is configured for renumbering on insertion of new vouchers in between the existing vouchers or deletion of vouchers, all the subsequent vouchers get renumbered automatically. This leads to creation of Edit Log for each voucher that gets renumbered. Therefore, there might be a significant increase in the overall data size due to the Edit Log data. In such cases, we recommend the following:

For TallyPrime 2.1 with Edit Log or TallyPrime Edit Log 2.1: If you have set the voucher numbering method to Automatic, it is recommended to alter it as Automatic (Manual Override).

For TallyPrime 3.0 with Edit Log or TallyPrime Edit Log 3.0: If you have already migrated your data from Release 2.1 (with the numbering method set to Automatic) to TallyPrime Release 3.0, the numbering method is by default set to Automatic > Retain Original Voucher No. Continue to use the same numbering method for vouchers, to avoid renumbering of vouchers that can lead to edit log creation for all subsequent vouchers on insertion or deletion of a voucher.

Avoid making frequent changes to your masters and vouchers once they are created. Each time you alter your data, edit log data is created for each alteration, thereby increasing the over all data size.

Ensure that the vouchers to be imported have the appropriate voucher numbers, as expected, to avoid creation of any unwanted edit log data.

Edit Log for Company

The Edit Log report under Company consists of all the activities in the Company data that may affect the existing Edit Logs for transactions and masters. This report is not to view the changes made on the Company screen.

Activities Affecting Edit Log report

The report is similar in TallyPrime and TallyPrime Edit Log. However, the list of activities will have minor differences.

To view the Activities Affecting Edit Log report:

  • PressAlt+K(Company) >Edit Logand pressEnter.

A sample report in TallyPrime appears as shown below.

How to Use Edit Log in TallyPrime - All You Need to Know (7)

Activities captured in the report

TallyPrime Edit LogTallyPrime
  1. Company Data migrated from TallyPrime: Migration from TallyPrime Release 2.0.1 or an older version to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or its successors.
  2. Company Data migrated: Migration from a TallyPrime Edit Log release to another TallyPrime Edit Log release.
  3. Company Data migrated from Tally.ERP 9 or earlier: Migration from Tally.ERP 9 or an older version to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or its successors.
  4. Company Data migrated: Migration from a release of TallyPrime Edit Log to later releases of TallyPrime Edit Log.
  5. Company Data moved from TallyPrime: Moved from TallyPrime Release 2.1 to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1, irrespective of the status of the Edit Log feature – enabled or disabled.
  6. Company Data split: Splitting of Company data will be logged.
  7. Company Data migrated from Tally.ERP 9 or earlier (Not fully recovered): Partial loss of data due to data corruption while migrating data from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or its successors.
  8. Company Data repaired (Not fully recovered): Partial loss of data during data repair.
  1. Edit Log enabled during Company creation: When enabling Edit Log at the time of Company creation.

  2. Edit Log enabled: When enabling Edit Log at the time of Company alteration.
  3. Edit Log disabled: When disabling Edit Log at the time of Company alteration.
  4. Company Data migrated from TallyPrime Edit Log: Migration from TallyPrime Edit Log to a lower version of TallyPrime.
  5. Company Data migrated: Migration from a TallyPrime release to another TallyPrime release.
  6. Company Data migrated from Tally.ERP 9 or earlier:
    Migration from Tally.ERP 9 or an older version to TallyPrime Release 2.1 or its successors
  7. Company Data migrated: When the data is migrated from earlier versions of TallyPrime (with Edit Log enabled).
  8. Company Data moved from TallyPrime Edit Log: Migration from TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 to TallyPrime Release 2.1.
  9. Company Data split: Splitting of Company data will be logged.
  10. Company Data migrated from Tally.ERP 9 or earlier (Not fully recovered):Partial loss of data due to data corruption while migrating data from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime Release 2.1 or its successors.
  11. Company Data repaired (Not fully recovered):Partial loss of data during data repair.

If the Security Control is not enabled in your Company, then the activities will be logged with username as Unknown (Security not enabled).

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How to Use Edit Log in TallyPrime - All You Need to Know (2024)


How to Use Edit Log in TallyPrime - All You Need to Know? ›

The report is similar in TallyPrime and TallyPrime Edit Log. However, the list of activities will have minor differences. To view the Activities Affecting Edit Log report: Press Alt+K (Company) > Edit Log and press Enter.

How to use tally prime edit log? ›

The report is similar in TallyPrime and TallyPrime Edit Log. However, the list of activities will have minor differences. To view the Activities Affecting Edit Log report: Press Alt+K (Company) > Edit Log and press Enter.

How to create a company in tally prime edit log? ›

Create a company
  1. On launching TallyPrime, select Create Company. ...
  2. Provide the Company details. ...
  3. Set up financial year details and security options. ...
  4. Specify the Base Currency Information. ...
  5. Accept the Company Creation screen.

How to split data in tally prime edit log? ›

To open the Split Company Data screen,
  1. Gateway of Tally > Alt+Y (Data) > Split > Split Data. The Split Company Data screen appears, as shown below:
  2. Select the required company from the List of Companies.
  3. Enter the required date in the Split from field, and press Enter to proceed.

How to edit items in Tally prime? ›

Press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master > type or select Stock Item and press Enter. Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Alter > type or select Stock Item and press Enter. Select the stock item from the List of Stock Items. The Stock Item Alteration screen appears.

What is the difference between audit trail and edit log? ›

It records an audit trail of each and every transaction, An edit log is created of each change made in the books of account along with the date when such changes were made and. Ensuring that the audit trail cannot be disabled.

Is edit log mandatory? ›

Audit Trail (Edit Log) Mandatory in India from 1st April 2023.

Is edit log compulsory in Tally prime? ›

As per MCA's Audit Trail compliance required, it is mandatory that the accounting software should keep a trail of all activities in transactions throughout the financial year. Moreover, there should be no option to disable Edit Log.

How to create a user in tally prime edit log? ›

Press Alt+K (Company) > Create/Alter. The Company Creation/Alteration screen will open. Set the option Control User Access to Company Data to Yes. Set the Username (Administrator) and Password.

What is the difference between tally prime and tally prime edit log? ›

Tally Prime Edit Log and Tally Prime are essentially the same, except that the Edit Log version has the edit log feature activated by default and cannot be disabled. Whereas the regular TallyPrime version does not have this feature enabled by default.

How to see deleted vouchers in tally prime edit log? ›

To restore the deleted voucher, go to Gateway of Tally  Display  Recycle Bin. You can disallow the access of Recycle Bin to other users by going to Gateway of Tally  Alt F3: Company info  Security Controls  Type of Security.

What is the primary purpose of data splitting in tally prime? ›

You may need to split Company data in TallyPrime to manage the volume and size of your data, especially if your business involves dealing with a number of parties and selling or buying numerous stock items.

How to activate edit log in tally prime? ›

How to manage the edit log in TallyPrime?
  1. Download and install TallyPrime 2.1.
  2. Load company data.
  3. Alt + K for Company Menu à Alter.
  4. Press F12 for 'Configure'à Enable ' Set Edit Log Applicability'
  5. Next, Set ' Enable Edit Log' to 'Yes' in the company alteration screen.
Oct 20, 2023

How to edit entries in Tally? ›

Alter and Delete Accounting Entries
  1. Go to the gateway of tallying; Day Book and; Press Enter Alternatively, press Alt+G(Go To) and; type or select Day Book and; pressEnter.
  2. All entries showband; Select entry and; Enter to see or Alter the entry.
  3. You can also use the shortcut method, by typing DD and then Press Alt+ F2.

How to edit stock journal entry in Tally prime? ›

You can either alter the existing Stock Journal or create a new voucher type based on the requirements. Press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master > type or select Voucher Types > type or select Stock Journal. Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Alter > type or select Voucher Types > type or select Stock Journal.

How to rewrite Tally data in tally prime? ›

Zero command rewrite
  1. Go to the Start menu in your MS Windows computer.
  2. Click Run and enter Tally.exe followed by <file path> <data path> 0 . For example, C:\Tally. ...
  3. Click OK . The Gateway of Tally appears.
  4. Press Ctrl+Alt+R . ...
  5. Select the company for which you want to rewrite data.
  6. Press Enter to rewrite the data.

How to edit a ledger in Tally prime? ›

Display, Alter and Delete Ledgers

You can alter any information of the ledger master with the except for the closing balance under the group s tock-in-hand . Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledgers > Display or Alter . Modification of account ledgers is possible for single ledgers as well as multiple ledgers.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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